SorceCode Download

You can download the source code and library files needed for the operation of coding kits such as electronic instruments and Arduino Smart Farm.

SW·AI Education Kit

Code Download

You can download the library source code and files

required for BPLAB's coding education kit.

Arduino mini robot source codes

20 Dec 2023


You can download two arduino code files.


1. Arduino mini robot code ① - autoDriveRobot_int.ino


※Please make sure to check
In order for the mini robot to operate normally, it is essential to initialize the angle of the servo motor.

※Remove the face part of the mini robot and the servo motor.

2. Arduino mini robot code ②

- AutoDriveRobot_ObstacleDetcet.ino

- AutoDriveRobot_LineTrace.ino

※Please make sure to check
Set the battery switch to ON before uploading the sourace code for which the mini robot operates.


Available for bulk purchase